Eclectons sighted by Heather

News of this eclecton came to me from Heather and Paul Nelson who were too sick with the stomach flu to meet with me but I found the eclecton on the porch trying to make its escape – can you blame it? As near as I can tell, its components are: body: popsicle mold; tail: basting brush; neck: disposable razor cartridge rack; head: deodorant stick lid; teeth/mouth: disposable razor cover; ears: (here I was stumped and had to call Heather) and she thought that they were floss covers (Glide?). I couldn’t be sure but I think it’s safe to assume that one would probably find trace evidence of all purpose white glue as well. Thanks Heather and Paul!

Heather's second eclecton. He is kind of spotty. Heather Nelson, who discovered this eclecton at her home, refers the things covering its body as “warts” but I’m inclined to think that they are some sort of sensory apparatus. Hard to say. Here are the household components she thinks it assembled itself from: body: Bandage box: Nexcare; eyes: dental floss dispensers (Oral-B Satin Floss); eyelashes/antennae: floss?; warty things: earplugs (Mack’s Original Safe Sound Soft Foam); mouth and jaw: some sort of minty breath spray dispenser; and, of course, there appears to be some all-purpose white glue involved.

Nice detective work, Heather.

Things are coming together pretty fast at Heather’s house This one used a kitchen scale for its body (Kwonnie); a rubber glove (Ikea) for its tail; earplugs (Mack’s Original Safe Sound Soft Foam) for its eyes; disposable shaver guards for its mouth; and drink tops for its ears. Cool.